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New posts in pixel-shader

Using shaders from Shadertoy in Interface Builder (Xcode)

Why "Warning X4000: use of potentially uninitialized variable" shows for more than one usage of common method?

Are there DirectX guidelines for binding and unbinding resources between draw calls?

How wrap image around cylinder in Silverlight

How use pixel shader to achive smooth text?

Pixel shader to project a texture to an arbitary quadrilateral

wpf directx hlsl pixel-shader

Creating WPF effects with different sized pixel shader samplers

c# wpf effect pixel-shader

Calculating world space coordinates in the pixel shader

Optimization of HLSL shader

WebGL/GLSL time variable similar to ShaderToy

Preventing pixelshader overdraw for a single ERG

Visual Studio Graphics Debugger omits working pixel shader

Recreating <BevelBitmapEffect> in a Pixel Shader/Other Method in WPF

wpf 3d pixel-shader

Shader framebuffer readback

Greenish image with BGRA to YUV444 conversion using DirectX11 pixel shader

Passing colors through a pixel shader in HLSL

direct3d hlsl pixel-shader

What is the relationship between gl_Color and gl_FrontColor in both vertex and fragment shaders