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New posts in direct3d

Is there a WinAPI message when a Windows UAC prompt is triggered?

windows winapi uac direct3d

Texture change (and other state-change) costs on modern GPUs

3d xna directx gpu direct3d

Passing world, view and projection matrices to shader in Direct3D

Managed Direct3D or XNA for non-game related 3D graphics programming?

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How to properly move the camera in the direction it's facing

c++ camera rotation direct3d

Is there any advantage to using C++ instead of C# when using Direct3D?

c# c++ directx direct3d

Are there advantages of MipMaps aside from the performance ones?

DirectX/C++ 3D Engine programming: Learn now, or wait for DirectX 12? [closed]

Deferred shading anti-aliasing

opengl graphics direct3d

Do we still need DirectX SDK to develop dx application in windows10?

windows-10 direct3d

Why does Direct3D work only on Windows?

windows graphics direct3d gpu

C++ Direct3D Multiple Screen Capture

Resizing a DXGI swap chain bound to a Direct2D render target

c++ direct3d direct2d dxgi

Implement API to wait for d3d10 commands to finish

CreateComputeShader returns E_INVALIDARG when using doubles

What are the exact color spaces of DXGI_FORMATs?

How do I set the color of a single pixel in a Direct3D texture?

c++ graphics directx direct3d

Why Direct3D application performs better in full screen mode?

Use D3D11 debug layer with VS2013 on Windows 10

OpenGL flickering/damaged with window resize and DWM active

c++ windows opengl direct3d dwm