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New posts in uac

Is there a WinAPI message when a Windows UAC prompt is triggered?

windows winapi uac direct3d

Delphi 7: Execute application with administrator privileges

Get real path of a log file stored in VirtualStore

c# uac virtualstore

Disable Vista UAC per-application, or elevate privileges without prompt?

windows-vista uac

Check if another process has admin privileges in .NET

c# .net windows winapi uac

Where does Windows 7 put files saved to Program Files

windows-7 uac

Bypassing elevation when launching a new process

windows windows-7 uac

Batch scripting, Powershell, and not triggering the UAC in Windows

WindowsError: [Error 740] The requested operation requires elevation even after disabling UAC

python windows-8 uac elevation

Does my Windows app needs to be signed with a trusted certificate?

Run Java application as administrator on Windows

TortoiseGit Fail to install context menu on Windows 7

git windows-7 uac tortoisegit

Signed and RequireAdministrator executable being run from temp folder?

Is it possible to add a privilege to the Standard User Token created for an admin user by Windows?

UWP Template 10 and Service Dendency Injection (MVVM) not WPF

How do I ask for an elevation for Registry access to HKLM?

c# windows-vista registry uac

How to add the UAC shield icon to program that still must target XP?

How does Windows decide whether to display the UAC prompt?