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New posts in windows-installer

WiX Custom Actions in 64 bit

Giving permission to a folder in programdata using Wix

How can I run the 64-bit version of a Windows utility (such as msiexec) in a 32-bit batch script?

Wix stop service on uninstall/upgrade: prevent "restart popup" (file-in-use situation)

How to generate an exe with data that can be easily modified by a script

c++ windows-installer exe

Winform app name shown as _alphanumeric on Startup tab in Task Manager in windows 10

Install .net 4.6.2 with Wix 3.10

Specific advantages of MSI based installation over MSI wrapped script based installation?

Launch Condition to Detect Office 2010 Applications

What is the compression method used by MSI files?

How to limit the number of Installations on a Setup package

WIX Complex Condition

Can't install MSI built with VS2010 that targets framework 3.5

Visual Studio install project launch condition to check for StyleCop

Windows installer and setup application into one file?

Use WiX or Inno Setup to bundle the installation of several MSI files

msiexec command line to install a software for all users in registry instead of only admin?

What is the best way to embed Firebird Installation in the Installer for my app?

How does one stop a Windows service to do an upgrade install?

Enable ASP.NET in IIS6 Programmatically