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How to generate an exe with data that can be easily modified by a script

I'm looking to generate a Windows EXE (although I'll need to support Mac/Linux eventually) that contains two files, a config file and an MSI. I'll have the exe kick off the MSI, then copy the config file in place. I'm not entirely sure how to do this, but I'm not too concerned.

However, one of my requirements is that the config file must be modifiable with a script (Ruby) running on a Linux server, as I need to change some data whenever the EXE is downloaded.

I've looked at a few ways of doing it, such as using xd to generate a byte stream that I include in my project, but that seems like a poor solution. Maybe not, and thats the correct solution but I want to be sure. Is there a "correct" way of doing this?

Is it possible to simply append the data to the end of the executable and seek to it with C++?

I'm not looking for a full solution here, just need to know what the techniques best suited to this application are called so I can figure out how to implement them. My searches have yielded few results.

like image 681
Brandon Wamboldt Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 11:03

Brandon Wamboldt

1 Answers

I figured out a solution once I found another SO answer point towards a blog article: https://blog.barthe.ph/2009/02/22/change-signed-executable/

Here is my Ruby code:

# Class used to append data to the end of a Windows Portable Executable (PE)
# without invalidating the Windows Digital Signature. Byte offset of the payload
# is added to the end of the file as an unsigned int.
# The way Microsoft authenticode works is the following. During the signature
# process, it computes the hash on the executable file. The hash is then used to
# make a digital certificate which is authenticated by some authority. This
# certificate is attached to the end of the PE exectuable, in a dedicated
# section called the Certificate Table. When the executable is loaded, Windows
# computes the hash value, and compares it to the one attached to the
# Certificate table. It is “normally” impossible to change anything in the file
# without breaking the digital authentication.
# However three areas of a PE executable are excluded from the hash computation:
#  - The checksum in the optional Windows specific header. 4 bytes
#  - The certificate table entry in the optional Windows specific header. 8 bytes
#  - The Digital Certificate section at the end of the file. Variable length
# You should be able to change those area without breaking the signature. It is
# possible to append an arbitrary amount of data at the end of the Digital
# Certificate. This data is ignored by both the signature parsing and hash
# computation algorithms. It works on all version of Window as long as the
# length of the Certificate Table is correctly increased. The length is stored
# in two different location: the PE header and the beginning of the certificate
# table.
# Original Source: https://blog.barthe.ph/2009/02/22/change-signed-executable/
class ExeAppender
  # Portable Executable file format magic constants
  PE_HEADER = 0x00004550

  # Unix Common Object File Format magic constants
  COFF_MAGIC = 0x10b

  # PE Certificate Table magic constants

  def initialize(filename)
    @filename = filename
    @file = File.binread(@filename)

  # Append data to the EXE, updating checksums and digital certificate tables if
  # needed.
  def append(data)
    data     += [@file.bytesize].pack('V')
    pe_offset = read_uint8(@file, PE_OFFSET_OFFSET)

    unless read_uint32(@file, pe_offset) == PE_HEADER
      raise StandardError.new("No valid PE header found")

    if read_uint16(@file, pe_offset + COFF_OPT_LENGTH_OFFSET) == 0
      raise StandardError.new("No optional COFF header found")

    unless read_uint16(@file, pe_offset + COFF_OPT_OFFSET) == COFF_MAGIC
      raise StandardError.new("PE format is not PE32")

    cert_offset = read_uint16(@file, pe_offset + COFF_OPT_OFFSET + CERT_OFFSET_OFFSET)

    if cert_offset > 0
      # Certificate table found, modify certificate lengths
      cert_length = read_uint32(@file, pe_offset + COFF_OPT_OFFSET + CERT_LENGTH_OFFSET)

      unless read_uint32(@file, cert_offset) != cert_length
        raise StandardError.new("Certificate length does not match COFF header")

      new_length = cert_length + data.length
      write_uint_32(@file, new_length, pe_offset + COFF_OPT_OFFSET + CERT_LENGTH_OFFSET)
      write_uint_32(@file, new_length, cert_offset)

    # Calculate and update checksum of end result
    @file += data
    offset = pe_offset + COFF_OPT_OFFSET + COFF_CHECKSUM_OFFSET
    write_uint_32(@file, checksum, offset)

  # Write the modified EXE to a file
  def write(filename=nil)
    filename = @filename unless filename
    File.binwrite(filename, @file)


  # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6429779/can-anyone-define-the-windows-pe-checksum-algorithm
  def checksum
    limit = 2**32
    checksum = 0

    ([email protected]).step(4).each do |i|
      next if (i + 4) > @file.bytesize
      val       = read_uint32(@file, i)
      checksum += val
      checksum  = (checksum % limit) + (checksum / limit | 0) if checksum >= limit

    if @file.bytesize % 4 > 0
      trailer = @file[(@file.bytesize - (@file.bytesize % 4))[email protected]]

      (1..(4 - @file.bytesize % 4)).each do
        trailer << 0

      val       = read_uint32(trailer, 0)
      checksum += val
      checksum  = (checksum % limit) + (checksum / limit | 0) if checksum >= limit

    checksum = unsigned_right_shift(checksum, 16) + (checksum & 0xffff)
    checksum = unsigned_right_shift(checksum, 16) + checksum

    (checksum & 0xffff) + @file.bytesize

  def unsigned_right_shift(val, shift_by)
    mask = (1 << (32 - shift_by)) - 1
    (val >> shift_by) & mask

  # Read 8 bit unsigned little endian integer
  def read_uint8(str, offset)
    str[offset..(offset + 2)].unpack('C')[0]

  # Read 16 bit unsigned little endian integer
  def read_uint16(str, offset)
    str[offset..(offset + 2)].unpack('v')[0]

  # Read 32 bit unsigned little endian integer
  def read_uint32(str, offset)
    str[offset..(offset + 4)].unpack('V')[0]

  # Write 32 bit unsigned little endian integer
  def write_uint_32(str, int, offset)
    str[offset..(offset + 3)] = [int].pack('V')

I call it like this:

exe = ExeAppender.new('ConsoleApplication1.exe')
exe.append('This is some arbitrary data appended to the end of the PDF. Woo123')

My C++ application looks like this:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <Windows.h>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    cout << "Hello World\n";

    int offset       = 0;
    int file_size    = 0;
    int payload_size = 0;
    wchar_t filename[MAX_PATH];

    // Get the path to myself
    GetModuleFileName(NULL, filename, MAX_PATH);
    wcout << "Reading self: " << filename << "\n";

    // Open self and find payload offset
    ifstream myfile;
    myfile.seekg(-4, ios_base::end);
    myfile.read((char*)&offset, 4);

    // Calculate payload size and create a buffer to hold it
    file_size    = myfile.tellg();
    payload_size = file_size - offset - 4;
    char *buf = new char[payload_size + 1];

    cout << "File size: " << file_size << "\n";
    cout << "Read byte offset: " << offset << "\n";
    cout << "Payload Size: " << payload_size << "\n";

    // Read the payload
    myfile.read(buf, payload_size);
    buf[payload_size] = '\0';

    cout << "Payload: '" << buf << "'\n";

    return 0;

Everything works great and the digital signatures are still valid.

like image 160
Brandon Wamboldt Avatar answered Apr 09 '23 20:04

Brandon Wamboldt