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New posts in windows-services

Getting a Topshelf service to run once on boot, then stop

windows-services topshelf

Windows Service SQL Server error - "Login failed for user"

Why can't I install my windows service - Specified service already exists

How long does Windows store event logs from a Windows Service

How to change the default browser for debugging in Visual Studio 2017?

C#: Making an Installer that installs both a WPF application (ClickOnce) and a Windows Service

Screen capture from windows service

How to restart Interbase

Windows service and mingw

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List service and services status under Win-7

Delphi Win32 Service "Printer Selected is not valid" error on 2008 64bit standard server

sc.exe fails with a 1639

Create a Service using C#

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ServiceController shows incorrect MachineName

c# windows-services

Variable in SqlCommand must be unique within a query batch.. but it is?

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Running JBoss 7.1.1.Final as a windows service

How to schedule the start and stop of a Windows service?

.net windows-services cron

How does one stop a Windows service to do an upgrade install?

How to write to a custom event log?

Stopping Parallel.ForEach in Windows Service with below normal priority