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New posts in clickonce

How to set LARGEADRESSAWARE in no signing assembly projects for a ClickOnce app?

c# deployment clickonce sn.exe

Alternative to ClickOnce

How do you include many additional files with ClickOnce deployment?

Self Sign Certificate To Authenticode Certificate?

clickonce code-signing

C#: Making an Installer that installs both a WPF application (ClickOnce) and a Windows Service

Ways to speed up the startup of a ClickOnce application

c# clickonce

How to inhibit ClickOnce-Update promt?

c# clickonce

Unable to get namespace System.Deployment.Application

vb.net clickonce

Losing VB.NET "My.Settings" with each new ClickOnce deployment release

An error occurred while signing: Unknown error "-2147012894"

mage.exe, MinVersion, and "The minimum version specified is not valid."


How can I rollback clickOnce if I have a minimum required version?

.net clickonce

Location of user files with a ClickOnce application

winforms clickonce

Clickonce , "Your Web browser settings do not allow you to run unsigned applications.!


Is there a way to add a ClickOnce application that uses .appref-ms to the system path?

.net wpf path clickonce

Are there any major problems with using .NET One-Click deployment?

.net clickonce

List of WPF functionalities that aren't in Silverlight 3

Deploying to Program Files directory

Is it possible to deploy a native Delphi application with ClickOnce

delphi deployment clickonce

How to not sign a ClickOnce manifest