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How to get the serving host and port in python pyramid application?

python settings pyramid

Where should my cross-platform FireMonkey app store its settings?

How to open app permission Settings in MIUI devices programmatically?

C# Properties.Settings Property doesn't setter any value

Unity - force Android hardware acceleration

Does web.config override any app.configs?

Visual Studio Won't Mark Errors

visual-studio settings

In Android (using Java), how can I set the ring volume (to a specified number)?

Changing iPhone's date and time

Losing VB.NET "My.Settings" with each new ClickOnce deployment release

iPhone app - is settings icon really needed for releasing an app?

Visual Studio 2013 Indent buttons are grayed out (not working) after importing settings from VS 2012

Spring service implementation by environment property

Default list of Django built-in middleware

How to add preference of Custom Input method to Android Settings app?

ConfigurationSettings vs Properties.Settings

Are the settings in Visual Studio 2010 stored with the solution or with the IDE?

Android Alarm Clock UI

PhpStorm change Project Files font

fonts settings phpstorm

How to edit/reset Chrome DevTools settings manually on disk?