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Record video from camera on Android to mp4

Where should my cross-platform FireMonkey app store its settings?

Why my Android app exit suddenly?

android delphi firemonkey

How to release a Firemonkey control properly, in this case a child form with a parent?

Is there a way to login to Gmail from a "less secure app" without turning on that option?

delphi gmail firemonkey indy

SuperObject - Parsing data from a fieldname with a "." literal

How to access TBitmap pixels directly in FMX2 (TBitmap.ScanLine replacement)?

What path is SQLite database deployment to Android device?

Can I make a TMemo size itself to the text it contains? - Firemonkey

delphi firemonkey

How to free a control in its own event?

TLabel OnMouseDown event not firing in Firemonkey

How to convert String to PWideChar in Android Platform using Delphi

android delphi firemonkey

How to rotate TPathData (vector path)?

delphi vector firemonkey

GetKeyState in firemonkey

How to Create Custom Shape Changing Dialogs Form

delphi dialog firemonkey

Firemonkey MouseToCell equivalent

Why does my Delphi TCanvas.DrawLine not appear when running on Android

iOS7 Blurred Overlay in Delphi XE6

Text Prompt Delphi XE7

What road to take to load an SVG graphic into a FireMonkey app?