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New posts in delphi-xe7

How do I cast a TObject as a TObjectList<T>?

Detect help button click in MessageBox?

Is there a clean way to cast an anonymous method to a pointer?

delphi delphi-xe7

How to get all the exported functions in a DLL?

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adding Parameters using TRESTRequest

delphi delphi-xe7

Pass different record types as parameter in a procedure?

delphi record delphi-xe7

Text Prompt Delphi XE7

How to disable Android home and back button from Delphi

How to embed YouTube videos in newer versions of Delphi?

How to control execution without lots of IFs?

delphi delphi-xe7

How to set default value to record in delphi

How do I get the standard file extension given a MIME type in Delphi?

How to hide (and again show) soft keyboard while TEdit is in focus DELPHI XE7

Writing a custom property inspector - How to handle inplace editor focus when validating values?

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TMultiView on Frame causes AV

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How to find index of a method in an interface?

delphi delphi-xe7

Usage for LiveBinding

Is Writeln capable of supporting Unicode?

windows delphi delphi-xe7