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malloc/free and new/delete compatibility in C++?

Should the pointer being passed to free() point to the start of the allocated space?

c pointers malloc free

Free() : invalid next size (fast) error

c string pointers malloc free

Using free on nested structures

c malloc free

C free memory on stack

c free undefined-behavior

Freeing the allocated memory of a zero-length array in C

Free a pointer without knowing the length [duplicate]

c pointers free

Analyze valgrind output: "invalid free()"

c free valgrind memcheck

How to free a control in its own event?

Does malloc without corresponding free always produce a memory leak?

c memory-leaks malloc free

Free dependency graph of visual studio C# project

In C, how to release global static pointer?

c pointers static free

How to free an array of char-pointer?

c arrays pointers malloc free

C: Freeing Binary Search Tree

c binary-tree free

Can I free() by referencing an offset pointer? [duplicate]

How to find out whether the address supplied to free() is an invalid address?

c linux free

Dynamically allocate and free memory in local functions

c memory-leaks free

C language: Releasing memory of pointers to struct

c pointers struct malloc free

Why no memory leak?

c memory-leaks free malloc

malloc and free issue