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New posts in undefined-behavior

C/C++ unions and undefined behaviour

Does iterating over my_dict.keys() and modifying the values in the dictionary invalidate the iterator?

Temporary in a function call: UB? [duplicate]

Memory confusion for strncpy in C

Invalidated iterator in a vector

C free memory on stack

c free undefined-behavior

Why is one of these examples undefined behavior and the other is not?

c++ undefined-behavior

How do compilers know C++ constexpr computations do not trigger undefined behavior?

Is it undefined behavior to get the address of an array element that is out of bounds?

c arrays undefined-behavior

How can a literal 0 and 0 as a variable yield different behavior with the function __builtin_clz?

How to catch glaring undefined behavior statically?

Is incrementing a _Bool defined?

Is reading an uninitialized value always an undefined behaviour? Or are there exceptions to it?

Is the expression (a=b) = k UB?

operation on 'i' may be undefined [duplicate]

Is using an assignment operator in a function argument undefined behaviour?

Is rightshifting signed int by 8 * sizeof(int) or more undefined?

constexpr and undefined behavior

Write to uninitialized variable: undefined behaviour?

c++ undefined-behavior

Is it safe to do something like foo(x, &x)?