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New posts in bit-shift

I don't understand the following C code line

How to unpack 2, 2 and 3 bits out of a byte

Using an initializer_list with bitset

Is rightshifting signed int by 8 * sizeof(int) or more undefined?

Why ~0 >> 1 doesn't shift the bit?

Fast bitwise operations on a long

java performance bit-shift

When right shift operation >> shift sign bit and when it not?

Bitshifts canceling out instead of expected behavior [duplicate]

Toggle all bits except after highest set bit

Obtain low and high order nybbles from byte within Java ByteBuffer

Why does shifting more than the allowed bits still work?

Undefined behaviour of right shift (a >> b) when b is greater than the number of bits in a?

Java Shift Operator and auto promotion

java bit-shift

Efficiently bitshifting bytes in 32/64 bit quantities?

Bitwise shift in C [duplicate]

Is shifting std::bitset<N> more than N positions undefined behavior?

unique chars with shift and operators : don't understand this code

java operators bit-shift

shrl vs sarl .. x86 Assembly gnu

gcc assembly x86 gnu bit-shift

Please explain this SystemVerilog syntax {>>byte{...}}

Applications of a circular shift