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New posts in bit-manipulation

Why in JavaScript expression 255 << 24 is a negative number?

MySQL bitwise AND 256-bit binary values

mysql blob bit-manipulation

unexpected result in bit shifting operation

java bit-manipulation

Bitwise right shift operator in Java

Java XOR Operator questions

java bit-manipulation xor

Which is the most efficient way to extract an arbitrary range of bits from a contiguous sequence of words?

Unusual conversion between float and long [duplicate]

Mask for clearing m bits after n LSBits

c++ c bit-manipulation bit

Create double by appending binary representations of two ints

Efficient bitswapping in python3

Combine Set, Clear and Toggle in one line of C

Get bits from byte and slice 2 bit pairs

char type bitwise operation fails in to int

Add two numbers using bit manipulation

Binary Search Middle Value Logic

Portable way of splitting n-byte integer into single bytes

Using bitwise operation to multiply by 3

Most efficient formula for unpacking 16-bit BCD? (e.g. 0x1234 to 0x01020304)

Which logical operations can I use to ignore irrelevant bits when masking?

Transform random integers into range [min,max] without branching

c++ bit-manipulation simd avx2