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Extract scalar value from SSE vector

c x86 sse simd

Which is the most efficient way to extract an arbitrary range of bits from a contiguous sequence of words?

What's the difference between SIMD and SSE?

x86 simd

SSE instruction to check if byte array is zeroes C#

c# arrays performance mono simd

Fast implementation of covariance of two 8-bit arrays

How can I apply __attribute__(( aligned(32))) to an int *?

c gcc simd

How to speed up this histogram of LUT lookups?

How do initialize an SIMD vector with a range from 0 to N?

c x86 sse simd intrinsics

Testing whether AVX register contains some equal integer numbers

c++ x86 simd avx avx2

INTEL SIMD: why is inplace multiplication so slow?

AVX2 Transpose of a matrix represented by 8x __m256i registers

c x86 transpose simd avx2

Will a default release build always use up to SSSE3 instructions?

rust x86-64 sse simd

Why _umul128 works slower than scalar code for mul128x64x2 function?

Transform random integers into range [min,max] without branching

c++ bit-manipulation simd avx2

Intrinsics Vs inline ASM for SSE coding in VC++ 2K8

NEON vectorize sum of products of unsigned bytes: (a[i]-int1) * (b[i]-int2)

c++ arm simd neon

What do i need to use SIMD with visual studio 2013 update 2?

c# visual-studio-2013 simd

How to optimise my AVX Code

Why this SSE2 program (integers) generate movaps (float)?

gcc assembly x86 sse simd

What is the fastest way for a multithread SIMD operation explicitly?