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New posts in auto-vectorization

Understanding of vectorization with SSE instructions

How to optimise my AVX Code

using restrict qualifier with C99 variable length arrays (VLAs)

Why loops in inline function cannot be properly auto-vectorized?

Is SSE redundant or discouraged?

Do compilers usually emit vector (SIMD) instructions when not explicitly told to do so?

256-bit vectorization via OpenMP SIMD prevents compiler's optimization (say function inlining)?

Why is vectorization not beneficial in this for loop?

How to write c++ code that the compiler can efficiently compile to SSE or AVX?

Slow vpermpd instruction being generated; why?

Is it possible to make GCC auto-vectorizer output intrinsics instead of assembly?

gcc auto vectorization control flow in loop

c gcc avx2 auto-vectorization

Why does unaligned access to mmap'ed memory sometimes segfault on AMD64?

Unroll loop and do independent sum with vectorization

GCC auto-vectorization has no effect on runtime, even when supposedly "profitable"

c gcc auto-vectorization

How to help gcc vectorize C code

c gcc auto-vectorization

Understanding gcc 4.9.2 auto-vectorization output

c gcc auto-vectorization

-ftree-vectorize option in GNU

gcc simd auto-vectorization

Puzzling GCC behaviour with respect to vectorization and loop size

std::min vs ternary gcc auto vectorization with #pragma GCC optimize ("O3")