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New posts in loop-unrolling

Loop unrolling in Metal kernels

Unrolling For Loop in C

Java can recognize SIMD advantages of CPU; or there is just optimization effect of loop unrolling

GCC NOPs being compiled away

does unrolling loops in x86-64 actually make code faster?

unrolling for loops in a special case function

c++ gcc loop-unrolling

C++ Loop Unrolling Performance Difference (Project Euler)

c++ for-loop loop-unrolling

`Out of resources` error while doing loop unrolling

cuda pycuda loop-unrolling

C loop unrolling optimization performance

Why do neither V8 nor spidermonkey seem to unroll static loops?

Is it beneficial anymore to unroll loops in C++ over fixed-sized arrays?

GCC 5.1 Loop unrolling

Loop unroll (with bitwise operations)

Loop unrolling in clang

Is there a way to unroll loops in an AMD OpenCL kernel with the compiler?

Unrolling loops using templates in C++ with partial specialization

Why doesn't Hotspot JIT perform loop unrolling for long counters?

Should I look into PTX to optimize my kernel? If so, how?

Correct way of unrolling loop using gcc

Why does gcc take over 17 minutes to compile std::array<std::string, 65536>? [duplicate]