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New posts in loop-unrolling

Unroll loop and do independent sum with vectorization

GLSL shader not unrolling loop when needed

Allowing struct field to overflow to the next field

In what types of loops is it best to use the #pragma unroll directive in CUDA?

Force/Convince/Trick GCC into Unrolling _Longer_ Loops?

c gcc loop-unrolling

Why does loop unrolling have no effect for a large dataset?

Java JIT loop unrolling policy?

How to ask GCC to completely unroll this loop (i.e., peel this loop)?

c gcc x86 hpc loop-unrolling

Loop unrolling behaviour in GCC

How do optimizing compilers decide when and how much to unroll a loop?

Can modern compilers unroll `for` loops expressed using begin and end iterators

c++ stl loop-unrolling

How can GCC unroll a loop if its number of iterations is unknown at compile time?

How to vectorize my loop with g++?

Alternative to if, else if

Self-unrolling macro loop in C/C++

What does #pragma unroll do exactly? Does it affect the number of threads?