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New posts in if-statement

python calling custom exceptions from if-statement and try-except

Xtemplate if conditions in sencha touch

More efficient way to write if-conditionals with repetitive variable

php ternary operator giving an error

How do i write a shell script for checking website live or not

bash shell if-statement

How to check if specific key array element exists?

php html if-statement twig

how if condition works with multiple expression

objective-c if-statement

Java calculator not executing if-statement [duplicate]

Is there a more efficient way to compare 3+ items in an If statement?

Function using ifelse not returning a vector in R

r if-statement

Trimming off last character if it is a comma SQL

Java - OR / AND characters (|| &&) illegal in if-statement

java if-statement pipe bluej

Matlab: using a string as condition for if statement

SQL Nested IF-ELSE Statements

eval as if statement condition

linux bash if-statement eval

R- Conditional calculation based on reference to values in other row

r if-statement reference

While read line with grep

Why I'm getting "maximum recursion depth exceeded"

Javascript - if statement with several conditions in shorthand notation

Date manipulation with lubridate and if-statement

r date if-statement lubridate