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Matlab: using a string as condition for if statement

cond = 'a==1';
if (cond)

Hi! Is there a way to do the thing I wrote above? In a text variable I need to write a condition (even a complex one, using && and || too) and then in the IF statement I simply insert the variable. I tried this example but sadly it didn't work. Can you solve it?

Edit: more information to you!
I am backtesting different trading strategies for a project.
Inside the general M-file, I make use of a function for each strategy I need to tests. Each strategy gets in input data about the current situation and then the function evaluates the behavior of the trading strategy according to the data (and also according to margin requirements and other stuff independent from strategy). The only thing that is different in each function, is the entry or exit rule. Each strategy has for sure entry and exit condition (for instance, "open a long position when ... and ..." or "close a short position when ... or ...").
In the main M-file I am using a cycle to simulate the time passing by, but I want to implement a further external cycle which represents the number of the strategy tested. Furthermore, up to now each condition in IF-statements is written by hand and I would like to obtain a unique function (no more 1 for each strategy as now) that according to the cycle index of the strategy, would pass the entry and exit conditions taken from a matrix of strings.

I hope it could be possible to do that.

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AlWiPa Avatar asked Mar 16 '23 01:03


1 Answers

I think this is what you want:

cond = 'a==1';
if eval(cond)

However, eval is evil. Try not to use it if possible: http://blogs.mathworks.com/loren/2005/12/28/evading-eval/

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Thomas Ibbotson Avatar answered Mar 19 '23 05:03

Thomas Ibbotson