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New posts in if-statement

Using lapply and the ifelse function in R

Performance of ternary operator vs if-else statement

Bizarre program behavior about 'char'

c++ string if-statement char

Avoiding writing a long if-else statement in R

r if-statement

What is the best way to write a function that performs different calculations depending on a parameter?

scala chained conditional mapping - `ifDefined` method

Create a column based on different group conditions

Insert missing value based on other rows

r if-statement

Java: For loop and If algorithm

Simpler way to check for collision?

c# winforms if-statement

Differences beteween switch- and if-statements

MySQL: if field is empty assign a value

TSQL: if statement inside a select insert

Scheme (Racket) if within cond returns nothing

if-statement scheme racket

less.css if variable is true guard

Variable not initialized as condition c++

c++ if-statement

Remove list from lists in list if length

r list if-statement remove-if

difference between 'when' and 'if' in OpenModelica?

What does the "$#" special parameter mean in Bash?

Is there someway I can use an array or something else to reduce the Code here?

c# arrays if-statement