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New posts in char

String Comparisons with chars

c# string char

Python: get int value from a char string

python char chr ord

sign extension in C, char>unsigned char

c casting char bit

I can't seem to set the value of a char in haskell?

haskell char

Character Array, \0

c++ arrays char

Find winner in a tic tac toe match [closed]

c arrays char

int8_t and char: converts between pointers to integer types with different sign - but it doesn't

c++ c char embedded

Converting a String with spaces and numbers to an int array with just numbers

R: change to the same character as the previous character in a string

regex r char

C++ Return entire null separated string

c++ char

Bizarre program behavior about 'char'

c++ string if-statement char

In C, is it more space efficient to declare a 2 dimensional array of chars or a ragged array of strings? (specific question below)

c arrays string performance char

SQL 2008 Compression

C++ Char without Limit

c++ char

Function with PWideChar parameter taking only first char

Are characters signed or unsigned?

c char

Bits vs Char - What's the best way to store 3 mutually exclusive flags?

storing and reading int data into char array

c++ arrays char

Printing a string in C with pointer arithmetic including arrays, integers and pointers

Convert an integer to a fixed-length character array in C++

c++ arrays char int