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New posts in varchar

Converting a comma-separated varchar to decimal

sql decimal varchar

SQL Server 2008 VarChar(Max) returns only 8000 Characters. Why?

SQL 2008 Compression

Strange length restriction with the DB2 LIKE operator

sql casting db2 sql-like varchar

TSQL RIGHT String function not working

sql-server tsql varchar

How to trim all columns in all rows in all tables of type string?

oracle string plsql varchar trim

How to have a fixed size not null varchar with OrmLite?

Select only n number of characters from VARCHAR(MAX) field

sql-server max varchar

Disadvantage of choosing large MAX value for varchar or varbinary

sql sql-server types varchar

My VARCHAR(MAX) field is capping itself at 4000; what gives?

How to get MAX value of a version-number (varchar) column in T-SQL

mysql int fields does not truncate

TEXT vs VARCHAR in InnoDB MySQL 5.5. When to use each one

Is there any point in using CHAR if you have a VARCHAR in the same table?

mysql performance char varchar

DB2 VARCHAR unicode data storage

Why the size of MySQL MyISAM table is the same after striping some data from VARCHAR column?

Why mysql select varchar type is very slow

mysql varchar

Displaying CheckBox in Gridview DataBound based on varchar column

How to change VARCHAR type to DATETIME using ALTER in MySQL?