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New posts in sqldatatypes

SQL Server 2008 MAX and MIN function not working as expected with negative numbers

SQL Server 2005 - Reaching Table Row Size Limit

How I can create a table having two long columns?

sql oracle sqldatatypes

Decimal datatype is rounding the values

mysql decimal sqldatatypes

Using VARCHAR in MySQL for everything! (on small or micro sites)

php mysql types sqldatatypes

How to store 1/3 as a decimal in MySQL

Writing datetime.datetime() column using pandas.to_sql()

DB2 VARCHAR unicode data storage

How to get the declared size of a varchar2 in oracle database

The differences between sys.col$ and sys.coltype$

oracle sqldatatypes

Ideal data type for currency rate in MySQL

mysql decimal sqldatatypes

Reason to use DECIMAL(31,0)

SQL Server - BIT data type Issue

sql-server sqldatatypes

Indexing VARCHAR in MySQL

Row size overhead

What datatype to use when storing metric data in SQL databases?

PHP PDO Bit(1) returns wrong data type

php mysql pdo sqldatatypes

SQL-server, largest value for numeric(16, 8)?

SQL Database storing different types of values (in or simulated as a single field)

what is the right data type for unique key in postgresql DB?