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New posts in fractions

Simplifying fractions in C#

c# math simplify fractions

Comparing two fractions (< and friends)

c 64-bit fractions

Fraction object doesn't have __int__ but int(Fraction(...)) still works

Why wont my for loop add fractions past 1.0/10,000,000.0?

Converting a Decimal to a Fraction

PHP: Can range() be used for fractions?

php decimal range fractions

Java - Converting hours(in double) to minutes(integer) and vice versa

Fraction function returning unreduced fraction

python python-3.x fractions

Python: avoiding fraction simplification

How to count the number of digits in double/float C++

c++ math fractions

Issues with setMaximumFractionDigits

Double to fraction in Java

java double fractions

How to store 1/3 as a decimal in MySQL

Converting a floating-point decimal value to a fraction

c++ algorithm fractions

Convert a float to an approximate fraction in javascript

floating point numbers - closest number to 1.7

Using numpy vector elements in Fraction module in Python

python numpy fractions

Convert decimal amount to text string fraction in Javascript?

javascript fractions

PHP convert decimal into fraction and back?

php decimal fractions

How to display "Classic" built-up fractions with an horizontal line in CSS / JavaScript?

javascript html css fractions