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New posts in simplify

Simplifying fractions in C#

c# math simplify fractions

how to combine exponents? (x**a)**b => x**(a*b)?

python simplify sympy exponent

Simplify redundant jQuery code

Do I use a switch or if else to simplify this? jQuery

jquery repeat simplify

C++ What's the best way to end this 8-Bit for loop

c++ for-loop simplify

How can I simplify this redundant code?

Mathematica 8.0, obvious simplification missed, why?

Defining a range for a symbol in Sympy

sympy simplify sqrt

Automatically simplifying/refactoring Python code (e.g. for loops -> list comprehension)? [closed]

Expression templates: improving performance in evaluating expressions?

negation of boolean expressions with XOR

java equality simplify

Efficient finding primitive roots modulo n using Python?

In Mathematica, how to simplify expressions like a == +/- b into a^2 == b^2?

Java: if statement can be simplified (box contains point)

How to avoid "Math." in front of every math function in C#?

c# using readability simplify

Simplifying nested Maybe pattern matching

Python: List algebraic simplification

python list sympy simplify

Have any simplified YAML formats become widespread?

PHP Make a simple if-isset-empty function

php function post isset simplify

How to reduce the number of points in a curve while preserving its overall shape?