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New posts in maybe

Not in scope: readMaybe, which library should I import?

Is there a a predefined way to skip calculations that result in Nothing?

haskell monads maybe

How to make function useable only for a certain data constructor of an ADT?

MaybeT/Maybe and IO: Failsafe reading of information

Adding maybeness to a Haskell data type (with record syntax)

haskell maybe

Implementing the Haskell-MaybeMonad in F# - how can we get this lazy?

Retrieving values from a chain of ADT's with Maybe's

haskell maybe option-type

Haskell: Better way of writing Maybe Endo?

haskell maybe monoids

Haskell working with Maybe lists

list haskell maybe

RxSwift: Extra argument 'onError' in call

Extract values from a list of maybes

list elm maybe option-type

Haskell- Find element in a list and return its position

Obtaining a Bool out of [Maybe Bool] which is guaranteed to contain at least one Just

Not in scope: `fromMaybe' - haskell

haskell maybe option-type

Dealing with Maybe Bool values

haskell monads maybe

Simplifying nested Maybe pattern matching

Lists defined as Maybe in Haskell? Why not?

list haskell maybe

Using Haskell's "Maybe", type declarations [beginner's question]

Append Maybe to List in Elm

list elm maybe

Maybe monad bind function precedence

haskell monads maybe