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New posts in monadplus

MonadPlus IO isn't a monoid

Is there a name for "maybe mzero return"?

Obtaining a Bool out of [Maybe Bool] which is guaranteed to contain at least one Just

Control.MonadPlus.Free without unnecessary distribution

Is this Haskell function known/implemented as another name?

What is the default type evaluation of MonadPlus in Haskell?

Use list monad inside monad transformer type classes?

How to encode actions that take monadic arguments with free (or freer) monads?

What can we do with Alternative but cannot do with Monoid?

How to convert a failed computation to a successful one and vice versa

If MonadPlus is the "generator" class, then what is the "consumer" class?

Is there a Codensity MonadPlus that asymptotically optimizes a sequence of MonadPlus operations?

MonadPlus definition for Haskell IO

What was wrong with Control.MonadPlus.Free?

Appropriate uses of Monad `fail` vs. MonadPlus `mzero`

Must mplus always be associative? Haskell wiki vs. Oleg Kiselyov

haskell monads monadplus

Why MonadPlus and not Monad + Monoid?

Confused by the meaning of the 'Alternative' type class and its relationship to other type classes

Distinction between typeclasses MonadPlus, Alternative, and Monoid?