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New posts in option-type

Yesod route containing a `Maybe a` argument

How to deal with option values generically in F#

f# option-type idatareader

Simplest way to extract Option from Scala collections

std::experimental::optional inside constexpr function

How does optional binding function different from optional chaining? [closed]

swift option-type

Fold a Foldable of Maybe (Monoid) ignoring the missing values in Haskell

Java 8 avoiding null pointer checks using Optional

Optional AnyObject values in Swift dictionary

How to conform custom class with optional properties to "hashable" protocol

swift option-type hashable

Testing Java Optional

java java-8 option-type

Is Monad just a functional way of Error handling?

haskell monads option-type

Java 8 How to return from a method if Optional is not present?

java lambda option-type

scala chained conditional mapping - `ifDefined` method

Avoiding forced unwrapping in Swift Combine framework

optional argument Python

How to merge string options to a single string option in fsharp?

string file f# option-type

elm list comprehensions, retrieving the nth element of a list

list haskell option-type elm

Difference between a type and an explicitly unwrapped type in Swift

swift option-type

Default initialized boost::optional

c++ boost option-type

Swift optional values during initialization preventing default initializer inheritance