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New posts in monoids

Why is there no type class for monoids on functors in Haskell?

Fold a Foldable of Maybe (Monoid) ignoring the missing values in Haskell

Hiding typeclass instance declarations while importing in Haskell

How to use Monoid Scala?

MonadPlus IO isn't a monoid

How do operator associativity, the associative law and value dependencies of monads fit together?

Endofunction as Monoid

haskell monoids

How to write a Semigroup Instance?

Applicative implementation of Const Monoid

haskell applicative monoids

Scalaz `Tag.apply`: How does it work?

scala scalaz monoids

LINQ equivalent of f#'s builder.Zero()?

c# f# monoids

Identity element for std::min/float monoid

c++ monoids

Use HSpec and QuickCheck to verify Data.Monoid properties

Scala Monoid[Map[A,B]]

Keeping IO lazy under append

Applicative Instance for (Monad m, Monoid o) => m o?

Can you formulate the insertion sort as a monoid in Clojure?

Why Monoid is not a requirement for foldr/foldl?

haskell fold monoids foldable

Why isn't Kleisli an instance of Monoid?

haskell monads monoids kleisli

A basic Monoid definition gives "No instance for (Semigroup MyMonoid) arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration"

haskell monoids