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New posts in alternative-functor

How do you chain an arbitrarily long series of atomic parsers using applicatives?

Why is there no type class for monoids on functors in Haskell?

Pattern matching with Alternative empty or Applicative pure

Why is Alternative concatenating lists instead of choosing the first non-empty one?

Is there a name for "maybe mzero return"?

Is it possible to write an Alternative instance for Identity a if there's a Monoid for a?

Why is there difference between throw and throwIO?

Is this Haskell function known/implemented as another name?

Why is guard based on Alternative?

Haskell: How do I create a function that allows none, one or two Applicatives?

Non-parser example for `Control.Applicative.optional`

In Haskell, is there an abstraction for the <?>-operator?

Is there a "unit" class? Would it be useful?

Looking for generalisation of the `if p x then x else empty` construct

Is every Alternative Monad Filterable?

Product and Sum Type Parallels in Haskell Type Classes

Could it be that (Alternative f, Foldable f) => Monad f?

What can we do with Alternative but cannot do with Monoid?

'some' and 'many' functions from the 'Alternative' type class [duplicate]