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New posts in applicative

How do you chain an arbitrarily long series of atomic parsers using applicatives?

Why can't I generalize this from Monad to Applicative?

haskell monads applicative

Scalaz flipping nested existential / validation mono-whatevers-nads around pre-applicative-building

Understanding the Haskell type system in the context of applicatives

Understanding Right Apply

haskell applicative

Using Applicative notation for parsers whose result is discarded

In Haskell how to "apply" functions in nested context to a value in context?

Combining the elements of 2 lists

scala scalaz applicative

How do I use Name as an applicative?

Easier way to apply multiple arguments in Haskell

ApplicativeDo not working with sequencing

In applicative, how can `<*>` be represented in terms of `fmap_i, i=0,1,2,...`?

haskell functor applicative

Monadic equivalent of applicative <*

Applicative that increments the environment in haskell

haskell applicative

Applicative implementation of Const Monoid

haskell applicative monoids

Are the liftM functions deprived of their monadic essence?

How to define apply in terms of bind?

How to make a proper "pure" for an Applicative instance?

haskell applicative

Combining functors and monads

ghci special case for Applicative?