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New posts in lifting

Flatten monad stack

Transformation of (a -> IO b) to IO (a -> b)

Applying lifted functions to tuples (of arbitrary length) in Haskell

haskell tuples functor lifting

Are the liftM functions deprived of their monadic essence?

How to implement a generic lift function for monads?

Typeclass tricks for generalized multi-parameter function lifting

haskell dsl typeclass lifting

In Haskell, are there aliases for (liftM . liftM), (liftM . liftM . liftM), etc?

haskell monads lifting

Transformation under Transformers

haskell monads lifting

Confusion with 'lifting' functions in Scala

How come I can pass functions to a lifted R.divide?

Difference between lifting and higher order functions

What are the steps for deducing this pointfree code?

haskell pointfree lifting

When exactly is lifting needed in monad transformers?

lift Either to ExceptT automatically

Tidying up Monads - turning application of a monad transformer into newtype monad

Lifting a higher order function in Haskell

Can't wrap my head around "lift" in Ramda.js

C# Lambda performance issues/possibilities/guidelines

Is it possible to implement liftM2 in Scala?

What is "lifting" in Scala?