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New posts in monad-transformers

Scotty Using MongoDB

Stateful computation with different types of short-circuit (Maybe, Either)

how to correctly use >>= to replace the do and <- in this code?

Why MonadReader r (StateT s m) uses an instance of the underlying monad

Compose world-crossing async functions with bind

f# monad-transformers f#+

How do you save a tree data structure to binary file in Haskell

How do I use list monad inside of ReaderT?

MonadBaseControl IO ... StateT Implementation

Which Monad Transformer to use?

Monad vs Monad transformers

MonadRandom, State and monad transformers

How to wrap monadic action in IO

awkward monad transformer stack

Using the reader monad in snap (or, monad transformers in snap)

Constructing minimal Haskell example on error-handling in the State Monad

Inserting ErrorT at the base of transformer stack

How should I combine St monad and State monad (or equivalent)?

Flatten monad stack

Haskell -- Chaining two states using StateT monad transformers

Using "bind" with an async function

f# monad-transformers