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New posts in mutable

Is it good practice to use AtomicInteger as a substitute for mutable Integer?

java mutable atomicinteger

Is modifying a mutable member of a const object valid?

c++ constants mutable

When changing the value of a variable in C, is a new primitive created or is the current primitive mutated?

Recursively unpack list into elements

recursion f# mutable

Cloning ListBuffer immutable issue Scala

Problems with mutability in a closure

rust closures mutable

Is this a correct usage of transients?

Returning a mutable reference that is behind an immutable reference, passed to the function

Lifetimes' handling when returning inner reference from a reference passed as an argument to the function

Are Mutable classes "heavier?"

Type signatures for a mutable Haskell Heap

Duplicating an element of a list back into the list in Python

python list copy mutable

How should I combine St monad and State monad (or equivalent)?

What benefit does the ImmutableObject attribute provide?

In what sense const allows only atomic changes to mutable member variables?

How do I create an F# mutable option type?

types f# option-type mutable

How to update a mutable hashmap element in Scala?

scala hashmap mutable

strange ArrayBuffer behavior

Is there a typeclass for references similar to the MArray class for mutable arrays?

haskell typeclass mutable

AtomicReference to a mutable object and visibility