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New posts in lifetime

Borrowed value does not live long enough when creating a Vec

Rust options, implementing a custom "expect" method

rust lifetime

Lifetime parameters for an enum within a struct

struct enums rust lifetime

Define a trait with a function that returns an associated type with the same lifetime as one parameter

Is it possible to have a struct which contains a reference to a value which has a shorter lifetime than the struct?

struct rust lifetime

How to store a reference without having to deal with lifetimes?

rust symbols ffi lifetime

Multiple lifetimes and move: assignment to borrowed `x` occurs here

Lifetimes' handling when returning inner reference from a reference passed as an argument to the function

How do I specify the lifetime of a field as a combination of other fields?

rust lifetime

Explicit lifetime error in rust

Chaining function calls vs using intermediate variables

Am I incorrectly implementing IntoIterator for a reference to a LazyList implementation or is this a Rust bug?

Trait method that can be implemented to either return a reference or an owned value

reference rust traits lifetime

How do you create a generic function in Rust with a trait requiring a lifetime?

rust traits lifetime

How can I convert a temporary String to a &str? [duplicate]

rust format lifetime

When &self has different lifetime than the struct

rust lifetime

Returning reference of a temporary object from a function

Can I coerce a lifetime parameter to a shorter lifetime (soundly) even in the presence of `&mut T`?

rust lifetime

Laravel cookie session lifetime

Variable lifetime