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New posts in const-reference

What happens in the stack when a const reference is bound to a temporary?

c++ stack const-reference

Why the overloaded method with const reference return value is not called?

Returning reference of a temporary object from a function

On the weak semantics of references-to-const (and pointers-to-const)

Is there any C++ compiler which can issue a warning for a dangling reference?

automatically use const-ref by big parameters

assigning a temp to a const ref member causes a segmentation fault

Will temporary object be deleted if there is no const reference to it?

return const reference of subclass

what if C++ class contains both const reference and non-const reference copy constructor?

const reference to a temporary object becomes broken after function scope (life time)

Is the lifetime of a C++ temporary object created in ?: expression extended by binding it to a local const reference?

Visual Studio is not creating temporary object when typecasting?

Prevent temporary from extending its lifetime?

How to return a const QString reference in case of failure?

c++ qt const-reference

Warning C4172: Returning a reference to const std::string bound to a local variable. How safe is it?

Why does this call by reference create a new instance?

c++ qt const-reference

Variadic template specialization with const reference

What exactly happens when returning const reference to a local object?

c++ const-reference