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New posts in object-lifetime

Is this undefined behaviour or a bug with struct init?

Explicit lifetime error in rust

Delphi FreeAndNil: Looking for an alternate implementation

Multiple constructor with Structuremap changing the scope?

The correct way to release variables in Objective-c

C++ lambda. How need to capture the pointer?

Lifetime of const references bound to destroyed stack variable

.NET - Finalizers and exit(0)

Boost shared_from_this and destructor

Variable lifetime

Why do I need to dispose of subscriptions after completion?

At what point does a controller class instantiate a controller object in a Rails web app?

G++-11 destruction order changed from G++9

c++ g++ object-lifetime

Is it possible to implement a DefaultIfNull function in C++?

Reference to an unnamed temporary object (life time)

Why can I reinitialize a constant inside a loop?

Virtual Mechanism in C++ and Java [duplicate]

Reusing a jQuery object is faster, but is it always better?

Spurious warning about binding temporary to reference member in constructor

c++ c++11 g++ object-lifetime