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New posts in shared-ptr

Any advantage to using shared_ptr over scoped_ptr at top level?

c++ shared-ptr scoped-ptr

Pure virtual and std::shared_ptr

C++ shared_ptr and Java native Object ownership

Specifying a Deleter for std::shared_ptr that works on all objects of a particular type or its derived types

std::shared_ptr: typedef with custom deleter [duplicate]

c++ sdl typedef shared-ptr

Why atomic overloads for shared_ptr exist

Why is shared_ptr counter incremented when passed as const reference to base class?

Portable way to use shared_ptr in GCC

c++ gcc shared-ptr tr1

weak_ptr and parent-child cyclic dependencies

In well designed code should you expect locking of weak_ptr to always succeed?

C++: Replace raw pointers with shared and weak ptr

Creating an instance of shared_ptr<std::thread> with make_shared<std::thread>

c++: how to return a shared_ptr from function

c++ function return shared-ptr

Why weak pointer is getting created with shared_ptr?

Strange shared_ptr behaviour

Wrapping linked lists in iterators

c++ boost iterator shared-ptr

shared_ptr not defined when including from managed code

weak_ptr's weird copy constructors

c++ c++11 shared-ptr weak-ptr

QSharedPointer, how to pass them around, and do I need them?

How C++/Qt - Memory allocation works?