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New posts in typedef

std::shared_ptr: typedef with custom deleter [duplicate]

c++ sdl typedef shared-ptr

Why can't the compiler differentiate between typedef and non-typedef?

c++ compiler-errors typedef

Typedef and ostream operator for a std::vector

How to do a VHDL "typedef"

typedef vhdl

Using a Template to Expose a Private Typedef

c++ templates typedef

Using typedef and typename inside a template

Typedef redefinition error when trying to build XCode project for release

How can I provide template specializations for typedefs of the same type?

typedef vector template

c++ templates vector typedef

typedef works, 'using =' doesn't

C++ language feature to simplify naming types (especially in function declarations)

c++ c++11 typedef auto

How can I forward declare a type I'm going to create with typedef?

Alternative to template declaration of typedef

c++ templates stl typedef

Tool to decipher C/C++ function pointer typedefs

Objective C: NSRange or similar with float?

objective-c typedef nsrange

Passing an array of 'typedef struct' to a function

c arrays typedef

Typedef to put units of measurement in C

c data-structures typedef

constant elements vs. constant array

c arrays constants typedef

What are the negative consequences of using typedefs in an implementation file to shorten type signatutures?

c++ c++11 enums c++14 typedef

Is it possible to typedef a pointer-to-extern-"C"-function type within a template?

c++ templates typedef extern