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New posts in c-preprocessor

How does the standard C preprocessor interpret "0xFFFFFFFF"?

c c-preprocessor

C++ #define my me ->

c++ c-preprocessor defined

Why do two calculations give different answers?

Fail compile on purpose - Using source code of ongoing project

Compare preprocessor macros for equality

c macros c-preprocessor

Promotion when evaluating constant integer expressions in preprocessor directives - GCC

Using the C preprocessor to generate function declarations

c c-preprocessor

FOR_EACH macro with two or more params in call macro

How to catch undefined preprocessor macro with gcc?

Is there a way to detect, a C-file is compiled directly into an executable?

Is there a way to convert this "for i" c++ preprocessor macro to modern C++ (11+)?

c++ c-preprocessor

Nested macro calls

c macros c-preprocessor c99

define macro as linenumber

Does recursion in the C preprocessor abuse an inconsistency in the standard?

White-box testing - friends or preprocessor?

Define string array

c arrays string c-preprocessor

Generating function declaration using a macro iteration

How can I get a list of all preprocessor symbols used (or defined) within a file?

unix gcc c-preprocessor

Initialise aggregate with include directive

c include c-preprocessor

Preprocessor macros in static library