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New posts in substitution

How to replace a \string with a non-backslashed string in emacs abbrev mode?

emacs macros substitution tex

Perl regex return matches from substitution

regex perl substitution

Replacing characters in a regex

FOR_EACH macro with two or more params in call macro

python swap words using regex

python regex substitution

Getting name of a function passed as an argument to a function

How to remove the first x characters of each line in a text file? [closed]

file text replace substitution

Is it possible to prevent percent string substitution in python

python string substitution

Multiple substitutions with rst_prolog in Sphinx

zero padded integer with perl regex substitution

regex perl substitution

parse values based on groups in R

r grouping gsub substitution

How to capture every match in a global regex substitution?

regex perl substitution

Any suggestions for improving (optimizing) existing string substitution in Perl code?

regex perl string substitution

BASH using double variable $ - bad substitution [duplicate]

bash variables substitution

F#: Substitute to .Replace("oldValue","newValue")

replace f# char substitution

Replace multiple words in R easily; str_replace_all gives error that two objects are not equal lengths

How to remove comma from end of Google Sheets cell if it ends with a comma?

Compare datasets in R

Google Sheets substitute carriage return

How do I make vim substitute repeat until there are no more matches?

regex vim substitution