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New posts in gsub

R - using regex, set position before nth punct in string and delete what follows

regex r string gsub punctuation

Extract string between multiple words, using gsub

r regex gsub

gsub many columns simultaneously based on different gsub conditions?

bash loops awk gsub

Negation of gsub | Replace everything except strings in a certain vector

r regex gsub negation

gsub to remove unwanted precision

r string gsub

Removing white-spaces conditioned on number of occurrences in R

r regex whitespace gsub

r code removing words containing @

regex r gsub

Replacing a list with a vector in R

r string replace gsub

regular expression in R for word of variable length between two characters

regex r gsub

Remove extra white space from between letters in R using gsub()

regex r gsub

R regex - match until first letter-space-digit combination from the end

regex r gsub

Extract URL parameters and values in R

regex r gsub

Removing StopWords from a Character using R

r gsub

parse values based on groups in R

r grouping gsub substitution

Make one gsub call instead of five

ruby regex replace gsub

smarter character replacement using ruby gsub and regexp

Remove periods before the first comma in a string

regex r gsub

I would like to use gsub in R to match all items which are not alphanumeric

regex r gsub

Removing odd characters in R with gsub

r gsub

Replace every single character at the start of string that matches a regex pattern

r regex gsub