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New posts in c99

atexit considered harmful?

c c99 atexit

Is `uint_fast32_t` guaranteed to be at least as wide as `int`?

c c99 integer-promotion

C - filling struct after initialization - compilation error

Use open_memstream with c99

c posix c99

Structure over flexible array member

c c99 strict-aliasing

Nested macro calls

c macros c-preprocessor c99

Generating function declaration using a macro iteration

Does the C standard consider that there are one or two 'struct uperms_entry' types in this header?

c c99

Designated Initializer for array of arrays

c c99

Why is implicit declaration of gets() not allowed in C99?

c clang c99 cs50 gets

Check support for variable length array in C

c arrays c99

Which condition is true in While?

c c99

sizeof() a struct with a zero length array member

DT_DIR undefined

c c99 readdir

gcc permanently change c standard

c gcc standards c99

Array as compound literal [duplicate]

c c99 compound-literals

How does the C compiler know how big to make the array?

c c99

Why do we need to declare functions before using them in C?

c c99

using restrict qualifier with C99 variable length arrays (VLAs)

Is it guaranteed that global variables are always initialized to 0 with c99?

c variables initialization c99