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New posts in strict-aliasing

Structure over flexible array member

c c99 strict-aliasing

Is this short program legal C++? [closed]

c++ strict-aliasing

Does strict aliasing apply when using pointers to struct members?

c strict-aliasing

Comparing struct pointers, casting away members, and UB

union for uint32_t and uint8_t[4] undefined behavior? [duplicate]

Casting the "this" pointer to another type does not violate strict aliasing?

This piece of code breaks strict aliasing rule?

c++ strict-aliasing

Why does boost::optional fail for classes inheriting virtual functions

Casting between primitive type pointers

Strict aliasing seems inconsistant

c++ gcc strict-aliasing

Does reading or writing a whole 32-bit word, even though we only have a reference to a part of it, result in undefined behaviour?

Berkley Sockets, breaking aliasing rules?

c sockets gcc strict-aliasing

MSVC++ restrict keyword and local variables

Do global reference capturing lambdas in C++ inhibit alias optimisations?

cast any pointer to char poiner using static_cast

Does C strict aliasing make untyped static memory pools impossible?

How to cast sockaddr_storage and avoid breaking strict-aliasing rules