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New posts in rust

Accessing &str as &[u8]

tcp rust

Can &Some(_) in vec.iter() { .. } compile?


What is the trait `core::kinds::Sized` is not implemented for the type `<generic #0>` in rust?


Rust generics/traits: "expected 'Foo<B>', found 'Foo<Foo2>'"


Stack overflow with large fixed size array in Rust 0.13

arrays stack-overflow rust

"std::vec" vs "collections::vec"

vector rust

Borrowed value does not live long enough when creating a Vec

How do I pass an iterator I am iterating on to a function?

iterator rust

How to update libc::c_char array with String?

encoding rust ffi

What's the Rust way to modify a structure within nested loops?


Rust options, implementing a custom "expect" method

rust lifetime

What is the purpose of Rust's function parameter syntax over C's?

c rust language-design

Functional way to split string into offset substrings


How to block until one of two Receivers has available data?


Lifetime parameters for an enum within a struct

struct enums rust lifetime

Printing using fmt::Display

printing rust

Lifetime of a mutable element in struct


How can I concatenate something to the front of a string?

Assigning values in a 2D array


Unable to infer enough type information about _; type annotations or generic parameter binding required
