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New posts in pointer-aliasing

Create alias of part of a list in python

pointer aliasing

pointers pointer-aliasing

Clang's __restrict is inconsistent?

Consequenes of warning “dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules”

Is aliasing of mutable references correct in unsafe code?

Placement-new vs gcc 4.4.3 strict-aliasing rules

Prevent two object internals from aliasing

How to correctly (yet efficiently) implement something like "vector::insert"? (Pointer aliasing)

c++ pointer-aliasing

Is it legal to alias "const restrict" pointer arguments?

How to tell a C or a C++ compiler that pointers are not aliased

Is there anything like a restrict keyword for C++ to indicate that _iterators_ are not aliased

gcc C/C++ assume no pointer aliasing

What is the "right" way to avoid Aliasing (e.g. when adding an element of a container to itself) in C++?

Array pointer aliasing - undefined behavior?

Nested structs and strict aliasing in c

c pointer-aliasing

How to cast sockaddr_storage and avoid breaking strict-aliasing rules