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New posts in unsafe

Does "fixed" get cleaned up properly if an Exception is thrown?

c# .net unsafe

Calling a C++ function from C# - unbalanced stack

c# c++ unmanaged unsafe

Java: How to store and retrieve memory address like in C++

java jvm memory-address unsafe

How to make Apache Tomcat 8.0.41 to allow the pipe character in URL GET request?

tomcat pipe unsafe

Using memory allocated by sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateMemory() in native code

Does F# have address-of & and pointer dereference * functions?

pointers f# inline unsafe byref

Does "fixed" really guarantee anything when passing pointers (ie int[]) to DLLs?

c# dllimport unsafe fixed

Compiling C# unsafe code

Is is safe to create a Rust String using a malloced string?

string rust unsafe

C#: unsafe pointer to empty array is null?

c# pointers unsafe

Can't use keyword 'fixed' for a variable in C#

c# pointers fixed unsafe

Passing Vec<String> from Rust to char** in C

rust libc unsafe execvp

Should I use pointers in a MMORPG emulator?

c# pointers unsafe

Unsafe method to get pointer to byte array

c# pointers unsafe

Does using pinvoke marks .NET as being unsafe?

.net pinvoke unsafe

Is it possible to copy class fields with unsafe

c# unsafe

Why is it not possible to use both readonly and fixed-size buffers in structs in C# 7.2

c# struct unsafe c#-7.2

Calling an UnmanagedFunctionPointer in C# for custom calling conventions

Unsafe code compilation error in .NET Core even after setting allowunsafe flag to true in project.json

.net .net-core unsafe coreclr