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New posts in java-native-interface

How do I define the JNI method signature of a generic class?

JNI - Listener in C++/Java - is it possible to instantiate Java objects in c++ and use them as parameters

How to pass char array from C JNI function to Java method as byte[]

C++ shared_ptr and Java native Object ownership

JNI crashing JVM - A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION

Unable to set Java int array field from JNI

Does JNI Throw break the method execution?

JNI Pass By Reference, Is it Possible?

Copying C Array into Java Array Using JNI

It won't create a Java VM (JNI)

How to access resources (like sound, images etc) directly from native code using Android-NDK?

How to convert int[] to ByteBuffer in Java?

Communication between Java Application and C++ Application

JNI unsatisfied link error on ubuntu

Cmake build in specific order

Get object from an object with JNI in C

Passing USB file descriptor to Android NDK program

Find Java class in .jar using JNI

How to implement the Observer pattern in JNI

Redirecting STDIN and STDOUT of C program in Android