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C++ shared_ptr and Java native Object ownership

While exposing functionalities from a C++ library to Java i recently faced a problem regarding C++ shared_ptr pointers. The case is that the Object itself as well as the jlonghandle related to that Object lives whithin the Java portion but subsequent structures access that Object using smart pointers.

The problem what i got is: When a smart pointer gets destroyed or reset the underlying object gets deleted as well. However the Java reference points still to that Object.

I tried a lot but i did not manage to keep ownership on the Java-Side. Are there any best practices or solutions to that problem ?

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fyr Avatar asked Mar 19 '23 04:03


2 Answers

If you want to hold to the object as long as Java keeps reference to it, here is the useful pattern:

jlong Java_xxx_getNativeRef(...)
    std::shared_ptr<MyObject> *pNew = new std::shared_ptr<MyObject>;
    *pNew = whatever-you-do to obtain an std::shared_ptr<MyObject>;
    return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(pNew);

Java_xxx_releaseNativeRef(..., jlong nativeRef)
    std::shared_ptr<MyObject> *pSp = reinterpret_cast<std::shared_ptr<MyObject> *>(nativeRef);
    delete *pSp;
    delete pSp; // thanks @LucasZanella

On the other hand, if you are concerned that the Java reference may become invalid because it outlives the lifecycle of the native object, but don't want Java to control release of MyObject, you can do the same trick with std::weak_ptr.

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Alex Cohn Avatar answered Mar 26 '23 02:03

Alex Cohn

shared_ptr is exactly about managing ownership. If you want to manage ownership on the java side, i wouldnt actually use shared_ptr.

As a hack around, you could use shared_ptr with a custom Deleter, that does not actually delete the object.

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ahaupt Avatar answered Mar 26 '23 02:03
